2024/2025 school year
Target audience: Adults for whom Portuguese is not their mother tongue, with the exception of citizens from countries where Portuguese is the official language.
Teaching mode: face-to-face
Duration: 64 hours
A1 Breakthrough
A2 Elementary
B1 Threshold
B2 Vantage
C1 Advanced
Students can only enroll in one level per semester.
Vacancies per level: 20 (each level only opens with a minimum number of 8 students).
1st semester |
2nd semester |
Classes |
16th of September to 20th of December 2024 |
10th of February to 30th of May 2025 |
Application period |
15th of July to 6th of September 2024 |
16th of December 2024 to January 31st 2025 |
Before enrolling, students will have to take a placement test. Take the placement test HERE. The result will be sent to you via e-mail.
Enrollment: enrollment instructions will be sent along with the results of the placement test.
Schedule for the 1st semester 2024/2025:
Horário_2024-2025_ S1.docx*You can only choose one class (A, B, C, D…) and you cannot change classes/timetable after the start of the course.
- Please note that classes A1-B, A2-B and B1-C are not available for Erasmus+ students.
Location: School of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University Lisbon – Avenida de Berna 26 C, Lisbon (see map). Check our campus map HERE
- External students: €450 + school insurance fee – amount to be announced
- Erasmus+ NOVA FCSH students (with a Portuguese as a foreign language course in their Learning Agreement): free;
- Erasmus+ students from other schools of NOVA University (with a Portuguese as a foreign language course in their Learning Agreement): school insurance fee ( amount to be announced)
- Students at NOVA FCSH(including Erasmus + students without a Portuguese as a foreign language course in their Learning Agreement as well as Freemover and ICM students): €150;
- Academic staff, researchers, and other workers at NOVA FCSH: €150 + school insurance fee ( amount to be announced);
- Students, professors, researchers, and workers from other schools of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa: €350 +school insurance fee ( amount to be announced)
NOTE: The information on the amount of school insurance fee will be given to all registered students and should be paid before the application’s deadline
*If you need a declaration of registration, please contact us. The declaration costs 6€, will take 3 to 5 working days to be issued and can only be issued upon payment of the TOTAL course fee.
Payment method: PAYPAL, MULTIBANCO reference and onsite at the treasury department (payment instructions will be given by email after application validation)
In order to place the Portuguese as a Foreign Language course in your Learning Agreement, you must use the following codes, depending on your level:
Course |
Curricular Unit |
Code |
Portuguese as a Foreign Language – A1 Level – Breakthrough |
Portuguese A1 |
2112343 |
Portuguese as a Foreign Language – A2 Level – Elementary |
Portuguese A2 |
2112357 |
Portuguese as a Foreign Language – B1 Level – Threshold |
Portuguese B1 |
2112368 |
Portuguese as a Foreign Language – B2 Level – Vantage |
Portuguese B2 |
2112379 |
Portuguese as a Foreign Language – C1 Level – Advanced |
Portuguese C1 |
2112396 |
General conditions of the course:
- Each level of the semester course, successfully completed, awards 6 ECTS.
- The result of the placement test is not binding – in the 1st class, the teacher will reevaluate all students.
- Attendance begins to count on the day the course begins, and not when the student begins attending the course.
- The justification of absences is only valid upon the presentation of an official document.
- Attendance of 75% of the classes is mandatory to take the final test.
- The number of justified absences cannot exceed the number of classes attended.
- Assessment is continuous and based on: attendance and oral participation (10%), written and oral assignments (30%), a mid-term test (20%), and a final test with five components – reading, writing, listening, speaking and grammar (40%).
- The same rules established in the NOVA FCSH Assessment Regulation for undergraduate courses apply to the semester courses in Portuguese as a Foreign Language.
- The language of instruction is Portuguese.
- Schedules may be subject to changes.
- The payment is valid ONLY for the date(s) of the course(s) that you enrolling in.
- Payment is non-refundable, except if the course you enrolled in does not open because there is not a minimum number of 8 students.